Have you tried the Thai style massage?

Hello all!

If you have not tried the Thai style of massage, this might be a perfect time to do so! And, if you have tried it and loved it, this may be a way to save a little bit on this amazing style of treatment.

Thai massage style differs from traditional table massage in that this modality is done on a mat and done clothed without the use of oils. In this ancient Ayurvedic style of healing, you are very focused on your breath work; this allows for the oxygen to help the muscles lengthen during the stretches and helps engage the lymph system. I as the practitioner am compressing and stretching your muscles to enhance the range of motion in each joint while timing these stretches with your breathwork. The results are a very relaxing, and yet invigorating.

Here's a link to the promotion.

Thank you for helping me practice this modality!

Carrie McIlvenna