Starting 2023 in U.P.

I hope everyone has had a great start to 2023!! We are moved in and (mostly) ready. Those of you who have moved with me before know that this is a process. The most important part of this is that we are able to be up and running. The pretty stuff on the walls will happen as we go.

Announcement: The new office is at 2554 Locust Ave W Suite C, University Place 98466. I am so excited to show y'all this new space! There is enough space for a separate room for table and Thai style massage.

This is a large gray building across the street from the Pinecone restaurant; and houses a State Farm agent and the Latchkey offices. I know that I originally announced we were going into a spot in Steilacoom, but an existing tenant wanted to expand their business into the space I was looking at. I confess that I was terribly upset for a day or two. But, on my way to visit a friend, I saw the "space available" sign; and the rest is history, as they say.

I can not thank you enough for sticking with me through this tumultuous time! I am grateful for all of the good vibes and support you have all given to make this happen. I am truly humbled and grateful for your support of me so that I can continue with this small business dream.


Carrie McIlvenna